Thicc Bois
A podcast with conversations between two thicc bois. We cover a variety of topics and hope that you will join us. The email for our podcast is thiccboipodcast@gmail.com
Podcasting since 2020 • 103 episodes
Thicc Bois
Latest Episodes
Ep. 103: Limp Bizthicc's Murphy Bed
Welcome to episode 103 of the Thicc Bois podcast. In this episode we cover• Mr. Beast controversy• Limp Bizkit show• Jennifer Murphy response• Aussie breakdancer&nb...

Ep. 102: Olympthicc Athletes
Welcome to episode 102 of the Thicc Bois podcast. In this episode we cover• Computer troubles • Trump's boo-boo• Restaurants• The OlympicsThank you so m...

Ep. 101: Thicc (school)Bois
Welcome to episode 101 of the Thicc Bois podcast. In this episode we cover• AI Music• Man v bear• Counter protestors• CollegeThank you so much for the contin...